Project: New Bathroom – Done!

We put the finishing touches on our bathroom on Sunday. Adam refinished the tub on Saturday and we installed the rest of the hardware and the shower surround on Sunday. “Can we puuuuhhh-lease go buy shower curtains,” Layne asked. “Uh, yeah” Adam said. We spend approximately two and a half Target units (1 Target unit = $50) and came away with: two shower curtains, two shower liners, two hanging organization pockets for inside the shower, two packages of shower curtain rings and a mirror for the make up vanity. It. Was. Fun.

Here’s the finished product.

From this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:


We are so pleased and so looking forward to the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night bubble baths.

We also feels like grown ups. In a big way.

Weekend Update: President’s Day Edition

So much has happened in the last couple of weeks. We’re waiting to post the before and afters of the brand new bathroom until we install all the remaining fixtures and accessories (mirrors, towel racks, shower surround). We can’t wait to finish it up! This month has also been consumed with Adam’s show. Adam’s been acting in stage productions for years and years. This go around, he played the role of Jimmy in the stage adaptation of Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Here’s how our weekend played out…

Adam’s dressing room mirror. We’re hoping to snag some of the official photos from the show but cameras and video were strictly prohibited. It was an awesome run – a very talented cast!

So many friends and family came out to the shows. Here’s Kate getting all loosened up!

Sunday found us at breakfast with the Dream Team and then off to Lowe’s for plumbing parts. We found this sign and it made us laugh, say “ooh ha ha,” and want to watch Finding Nemo all at the same time.

We also made a trip to Ross to find some home goods…

…this guy almost made the cut.

So did this guy.

Sunday also found Layne out with some good friends, Kelsie and Kylie, at the Carrie Underwood concert.

Grammy nominee, Hunter Hayes, opened up for Carrie. He is the love child of Gary LeVox from Rascal Flatts and John Mayer – craziest thing.

Then Carrie took the stage. How she does it, no one knows – girl has big pipes that just don’t quit! She was amazing.

…and she floated in mid air. This, too, was amazing.

Monday would have been the laziest day of all if it weren’t for Adam trying his hand at an HVAC solution.

The heating vent in the bathroom wasn’t working…so he made it work.

Layne studied for her biology exam with the support of her faithful, furry friends.

Mostly faithful – June was hittin’ the bottle pretty hard.


That sums it up for us. We hope you had a brilliant long weekend (thanks, the Presidents)!


Project: New Bathroom – Day 9

Day nine has our bathroom looking like a bathroom! There are sinks! There are lights! There is a beautiful tile floor with complimentary tile backsplash!

Tomorrow everything else happens – toilet, tub, trim…you name it. All that follows is picking out and purchasing the accessories (shower curtain, towels, art work, etc.).

P.S. Bennett took full advantage of the industrial fan the contractor set up to dry the paint. She’s a bit of a diva.