Weekend Update

The weekend was so good that we weren’t able to summon the energy to post this update until TUESDAY! What? Yeah.

Friday night turned into one of the best date nights we’ve had. We dined at Fork…

…desserted at Berryhill. No photos from Berryhill because we were far too enamored with our chocolate tort. Wow.
Saturday was an adventure/marathon. We spoiled our wee fur kids with a trip to Home Depot and a trip to PetCo.

June got a little greedy toward the end.

Then things got crazy. Layne joined a troop of paintball rookies for the infamous Erin’s birthday. It was frightening and exciting all at the same time. Here’s a group shot of the sharp shooters.

The party continued into the night with drinks, dancing, more dancing and this burrito baby.

It was a huge burrito.

Sunday was pretty close to a perfect day. We slept in! We made breakfast! We took the puppies on their very first hike up to Table Rock.

We snuck in a few photos with them.

Post-hike, we geared up for a relaxing Sunday dinner. Highlights included some pretty incredible homemade lasagna ala Crystal, some fun conversation, and an adorable chihuahua.

A good time? It was had by all.

Weekend Update

After a couple months worth of having something to do on the weekends, we had a weekend with quite a bit of free time…and it was awesome.

We kicked things off Friday night when Adam came home from his business trip. In a word: sushi. Is there any better way to start the weekend? The answer is no.

Saturday morning, we work up to snow. Spring – you tricky devil. Just when we think we’re going to shake the winter – boom:

Our spirits were not dampened, however. Onward and upward. In the Macklemore spirit, we started the morning off right: at a thrift store.

We found “Steve” at the local Goodwill. Adam’s brother, Steve, is going to be one lucky son-of-a-gun come Christmas time.

Adam found this tiny glass…

…and love/inspiration. Spoiler alert: Adam has been cast as Frederic in MTI’s upcoming production of “Pirates of Penzance.” The album in the photo? Rex Smith’s album. Rex Smith played Frederic in the 1983 movie version of Pirates. Adam asked Rex for some advice but mostly stared into those gooey, puppy dog eyes.

The trip to Goodwill wasn’t all fun and games. We came away with an Easter basket, some faux grass and a brass light fixture for our bathroom to light up the makeup vanity. Grand total for all three items: $4.00.

Then came the inevitable trip to Home Depot (it’s the weekend, of course we were going to end up at Home Depot). We found epoxy for the chips in our claw foot tub (reveal coming soon) and this can of glossy white spray paint in case we found any thrifted items that could be easily resurrected by some white paint:

Post Home Depot came a quick trip to Baja Fresh (muy delicioso) and a visit to Cost Plus World Market. If let off leash there, we could do a lot of financial damage. Instead, we limited ourselves to the confines of our $25 gift card. However, all we walked away with was this adorable butter dish for only $6.99:

Although, this guy almost made the cut:

Saturday night was a low key one with our pals, the Butzes.

Sunday was a perfect day: church, nap, Sunday dinner. Featured below is one of our favorite napping partners:

We were in charge of dessert for Sunday dinner. Layne, in keeping with the Mexican theme, whipped up these Mexican brownies.  They were spicy but everyone seemed to enjoy them. Who’s everyone, you ask?

Our happy hosts, Tim and Jessie:

The adorable Butz three:

The cozy Chad and Crystal:

And us…taking this normal picture:


Killer weekend? We think so!

We hope yours was great as well!

Project: New Bathroom – Day 9

Day nine has our bathroom looking like a bathroom! There are sinks! There are lights! There is a beautiful tile floor with complimentary tile backsplash!

Tomorrow everything else happens – toilet, tub, trim…you name it. All that follows is picking out and purchasing the accessories (shower curtain, towels, art work, etc.).

P.S. Bennett took full advantage of the industrial fan the contractor set up to dry the paint. She’s a bit of a diva.