…and then there were four.

Technically, four happened almost six months ago.


This is Leo.

Leo was a surprise. I found out I was pregnant with him when Ivy was just five months old. The idea of a second baby and so close in age to our first was dizzying to us at first. Two cribs? Carrying around one baby while hugely pregnant with another? A BOY?

He started smiling fairly early (blame it on the gas, I don’t care) and it made us fall in love with him. That’s all we needed to know.

I didn’t know how this whole second kid thing was going to go down because all we knew was Ivy and we get choked up just talking about how much we love her but he showed up (right before the epidural had time to kick in…) and here we are. Four.

Four is a wonderful number. Four is enough for us – especially since we’re constantly changing a diaper, cleaning up a tea party, putting someone down for a nap, getting someone up for a nap, baths, bedtime, rocking someone back to sleep. Taking care of two is a constant analysis of two sets of pretty different needs. Leo often hears, “just a second, Bud” because his sister is either just about to jump off any one piece of furniture or is petting the cat just a little too enthusiastically.

The fun part is beginning, however. Ivy has taken to trying to entertain her brother. Leo smiles harder for Ivy than any one of us. Sibling shenanigans commence!

– Layne

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