The Rundown

The saddest birdhouse in town.

This week was marked by record-breaking snowfall (more snow than this town has seen in thirty years). Anyone who stays home with small children will echo the following sentiments: I’m sorry for ever complaining about the heat in the summertime; please bring back all the warm things; if I don’t leave the house soon, I might spontaneously combust.

That’s the whiney, dramatic me talking.

Yesterday, our friend named Debbie posted that she was having a tough time sleeping because she was thinking about all of the Meals on Wheels recipients who went without because of the weather conditions. She’s one of the people who helps keep whiney, dramatic me in check.

Here are some of the things that kept us going this week:

Adam: Oh SketchUp, how I love thee. Though I’ve been using it for several years now, this week it helped us to envision a pair of built-in’s that will be going in the new addition to the house.

We’ll have one of these units on either side of the short bit of the addition we are doing. A study area on each side for each little kid, plus plenty of storage for toys, books, and technology stuff like routers and printers.

And after we finished seeing that the whole thing was going to look and feel okay, I got the drawing completed to the point that I can use it for a cut list. Study cubbies for the kids will be built by March! And in the evenings, after getting the little ones to sleep, I’ve revisited a book that I read first when I was in junior high school – a historical fiction called The Walking Drum, by Louis L’Amour. Not a western, but still super cheesy and campy, it’s a great way to revisit some amazing history while pretending to be a swashbuckling pirate. Every boy’s dream!

Layne: The last two years, we have purchased the same wall calendar because I love it. The art is adorable and plucky, and the stories attached to each painting make me smile whenever I read them. So. I bought the 2017 model today. Also, I made this blueberry breakfast cake on Tuesday and it was gone by Thursday (…it was me – I ate all of it). I want to check out the rest of her recipes, too. Delicious.

This was a Christmas gift from our friend, Kate. It’s probably the prettiest thing in our house at the moment. Yay for creative friends!

Ivy: Ivy’s jam this week has been the phrase, “goin’ on?” She says it about pretty much everything. I got soap in her eyes as I was rinsing her hair out earlier in the week – “goin’ on?” as if to say, “What’s your problem, Mom?” She located one of her long-lost figurines – “goin’ on?” – as if to say, “Where have you been?” It’s pretty great. She is also super into the Sago Mini Friends – Preschool Playdate for Kids. She calls it “Bunny and, and Woof!” The music isn’t annoying (to me) and the concept is pretty cute. Thanks to our friend, Katy, for the recommendation.

“Bunny! And! And! Woof!”

Leo: Whether or not he considers this to be a good thing, one of his two front teeth made its entrance into the world of his face. It looks SERIOUSLY painful but he is handling it like a champ – a mountain of smiles pretty much all day long. And, as usual, he is obsessed with his sister and all her goings on.

This photo isn’t as creepy as it might look – she splashes him with water and he just laughs and laughs. #notapeeper

Have a great weekend! Stay warm. If you live someplace warm, I don’t want to hear about it.

-Adam & Layne


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